Friday, December 19, 2008

Cold and Snow Continued

Well the cold and snow continues in Corvallis. It has been a very long time to have snow on the ground and freezing temperatures. We may even have a white Christmas. Well it looks like we may be above freezing in the daytime for the next week so maybe most of the snow will melt.
I don’t have snow tires so I have been forced to put on the cheap chains on my car. I never planned on using them. I only had them to meet the carry chains requirement that is sometimes posted.
They did plow our streets yesterday and it was a little above freezing so Marilyn got out for a few things she wanted to do. Then we got two more inches of snow and it froze last night. Now we wait for the next break. I put the chains on Monday and we did go out Wednesday to get a few things. I hope to take the chains off today.
I spent my life being ready for snow and able to travel in bad weather. Now I am ready to not think about chains, snow tires or even ice on the road. Maybe that is the reason we go south for the winter.

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