Monday, July 24, 2006

On our travels we encountered two rivers and the canyons they form.

The first was the Black Canyon near Montrose, Colorado. No other canyon in North America combines the narrow opening, sheer walls, and startling depths offered by the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River. It is not as wide as the Grand Canyon but exposes some very interesting geological formations. It is 2,000 feet deep but only 1,500 feet wide.

The second was the Shoshone Falls on the Snake River near Twin Falls, Idaho. The fall is very similar to Niagra Falls but higher at 212 feet. This is the canyon that Evil Kenival tried to jump many years ago. I did not hike to the jump site but enjoyed the falls and a picnic in the park overlooking the falls.

Now we are back home working in the yard and trying to process all the photos of the family reunion and trip. I am very proud of my wild flower photos and hope to get them up on my web page soon.

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