Saturday, July 29, 2006

Week with the Granddaughters

We just finished a few days with the granddaughters. Lance came down on Sunday to celebrate his birthday and when he left the girls stayed.

It has been a week of temperatures in the 90-100 degree range so a trip to the riverfront to play in the fountains seemed in order. The girls returned wet and cool.

Monday it was off to the coast to visit the aquarium, play on the beach, and cooking some hamburgers at the park. It was about 65 degrees and windy. The aquarium was nice and had a new display on crabs and lobsters. Of course the touch tank is always fun and a stop we always have to make.

Once we got to the beach the wind was blowing the sand so bad that Marilyn didn’t enjoy the beach but the girls seemed to not mind the cool wind and played in the water and dug in the sand.
Tuesday Marilyn took the girls to the outdoor swimming pool for a couple of hours in the afternoon and did some shopping.

They spent Wednesday and Thursday with their Grandfather here in Corvallis. He brought them back Friday morning and we took them back to Portland with a stop at the Gilbert Children’s Museum in Salem. This was a new adventure for the time with the girls. Marilyn had taken her students there when she was teaching. It is a hands on experience for the kids. Gilbert was the inventor of the erector set and the Giblert Chemistry sets. He was raised in Salem before moving on to many different things but always made toys for kids.

The cool weather and clouds have returned so I had to throw in a sunset.

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