Wednesday, August 02, 2006

National Night Out

Tonight was the National Night Out - Ice Cream Social for our neighborhood. My Wife Marilyn worked with Tiffany Chona and Carol Rice in getting it organized. Everyone brought toppings for the ice cream and we had six gallons of Tillamook Ice Cream.

Of course the ice cream was the big reason for being there but it is also a chance for neighbors to have a chance to get to know each other. About 60 people attended the evening.Since the development is eight years old many of the homes are now owned by the second or third owner and there are always new people to meet. For many it is just a chance to catch up on what is happening with neighbors they don’t see often. It is all part of the Neighborhood Watch program to keep down crime in the neighborhood.

The party was visited by one of Corvallis police officers and the fire department showed up with a fire truck for kids of all ages to see and crawl up to the first steps. There were also games for everyone, with prizes.One of the projects for the evening was to collect food for the South Corvallis Food Bank. About 55 pounds of food was collected to be given to the food bank.

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