Tuesday, November 28, 2006

California Here I Come

Well I would say it is official now, I am ready to head South. The last two nights have provided a good dusting of snow, this morning temperature is 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and schools are on two-hour delay. This is the time when living on top of the hill and now having snow tires can be frustrating. Not that the roads are really that bad but they do freeze up and night and driving first thing in the morning for my 7 AM tennis is not something I enjoy. So I passed on tennis the last two mornings. Even the paper was late today because the man that normally drives around delivering the paper had to walk. After growing up in Wyoming and living in Montana for many years I have enjoyed being in the California desert when the snow comes. The many cold mornings of feeding the cows or driving to work on icy roads have made me appreciate the warm winter sun.

I did put out new food for the birds, turned on the fireplace, and watched the chickadees. It was very different from a month ago when the birds were feeding on the sunflower and other seeds about the garden. But there were still a few seeds in the sunflower and the fresh seeds in the feeder attracted a number of hardy chickadees. It also attracted the neighborĂ‚’s cat. He thought the gathering of birds looked like lunch. However, in the white snow it was difficult for him to hide so I think he had to go back home for lunch.

Well it is another day so time to make a cup of hot chocolate and watch the birds or maybe in should start packing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jealous of your snow! It's been unseasonably warm here.