Monday, December 04, 2006

Early Christmas

Since we will be driving south soon, we need to get our Christmas done in Oregon before we leave. That means we must drive through Pastega’s Pepsi Bottling Plant display at least once before we leave. I guess the Grinch was out this year as someone stole one of the display figures. It is such a shame that people can’t just leave it all for everyone to enjoy. I will admit we made the circle twice, but then we were only following the example of the pickup in front of us.

Also Grandma Marilyn wanted to be with the kids when they opened their presents so we went to Portland on Sunday to share gifts with her son’s and the two granddaughters. I think the girls were happy so that was what was important. It was a good day and ended by Brooke taking us out to dinner. Things are going well on the new job answering phone for Adobe - money to spend.

Now Marilyn just has all the other Christmas lunches and dinners with her friends this week before we leave.

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