Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Virginia City and the Tetons

We took one day to visit Virginia City, Montana. It was a drive through ranch country to a town that is both old and new. Virgina City was a gold mining town in the 1860's and has a colorful history with all the violence, gold, and politics of any great Ghost Town, but it is not Ghost Town it is the county seat in the present time. We toured the town looking at all the old buildings that look much as they did 100 years ago. We ended the day by going to the Opera House to see the Drunkard. We also visited Nevada City three miles down the road to visit the Music Hall and play a few of the old musical machines.
One other day was spent going to Jackson Hole and Jackson, WY. The weather did not cooperate for us on this day. We were plagued with rain and clouds covering the mountains so picture taking was poor. Then to end the day I went to the gallery of Keith Fay my favorite artist of the area and his gallery was closed. I am not sure why. I left a note and hope to stop by on the way home. Would be good to see him again. He is not 86 and broke a hip last winter. When we say him nine years ago he said he wasn't going to die so his artwork was not going to go up in value.
I did recover some of the picture taking on the way to Riverton, WY when I got a great shot of MT. Moran reflecting in the water. I also hope to get some pictures as we return to Oregon.

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