Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Going Home?

Can you go home again? I don’t suppose so but it was interesting to meet with some of my friends from high school. You can think about how your life would be different if you had made other choices and even think about how different my life and that of my son Scott is from my parents that homesteaded in Wyoming in 1935.
The first stop was back to Pavillion to see how it had changed. We stopped at the Methodist church that had not changed much but they have added a new kitchen and community room. The main part of the church is much the same as when I conducted services during the summer when I was home from college and the church did not have a pastor.
From there we drove past the old high school that is about to be torn down and on to the new high school to watch some of a football game. I did get to talk to a brother of one of my classmates and meet Karen that had organized a meeting of a few classmates for later in the evening.
Driving through the country to the old farm, I was lucky enough to find my old neighbor out in his yard. After finishing college he returned to the family farm and became one of the major farmers in the area. He took time to show off his sugar beets and talk for a while. After that we drove past the old farm and on into town. Yes things have changed a lot.
That night three of the women from my class and two brothers from classes before us met for a drink and dinner. Of the 13 people in my class that graduated four of us were there that night, three have died, and others are scattered. Only three years until our 50th year since graduation and hopefully most of the remaining ten will be able to meet and share stories. I did enjoy seeing those that I did.

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