Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Big Star

It is Big Star time and Marilyn is participating with the song Lower Your Standards by Neal Glandstone. Big Star is a show where the residences of RCB lip-sync to records of various “stars”. Neal is not as big star as most of the other presentations like Beach Boys and Ray Charles but the song was enjoyed by the crowd. Part of the reason I’m sure was Wayne that played the part of the drunken man on the cruise ship that the ladies were singing about. He came out with his beer, Playboy magazine, cigar, and straw hat and entertained the crowd with all the bad habits of a man mentioned in the song.
Big Star Night is always a big thing at RCB and the people enjoy it. I worked the lights and helped with the sound. It was Marilyn’s third year of participating in the show.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well the tennis tournament has started and Marilyn and I have not gotten off to the best start. But after the past three years of having some success I guess our time has come to watch the winners. I had good first round match in the men’s doubles but we lost in three sets. No excuses they just beat us. Marilyn had a little more trouble in her first round women’s doubles. The interesting thing is that our friends Ed and Pauline on the opposing teams. So now both of us are in the consolation round that happens this next week.
AS for the singles I got to play the top player in the park for my opening match. He plays at about a 4.5 or 5.0 level and I am about a 3.0 so there was never much doubt on the outcome only the time it would take. I am proud to say that I did get some points in almost every game and had some good shots. It is just that he would return them even better. It only took 30 minutes to loose 6-0 6-0 but was fun and a good experience. More consolation play there next week.
After beating Marilyn and her partner Anne, Pauline and Norma went on to win the women’s championship so Marilyn shouldn’t feel too bad. When you lose to the best it makes it easier to take.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potato Feed

We are now into the full season of activities and it seems each one involves food in some way. We had the Potato Feed which is a private party given by two couples we have the privilege to know. It starts with a tournament of Table Tennis and Holley Board and ends with a baked potato with all the trimmings, salad and desert.
We made it past the first round of the tournament in both games but failed to reach the semi-finals. Since neither of the games are something we play often, I guess we should be happy. The host couples provide the potatoes, prizes, and other necessary preparations for a successful party and each of the guests bring a topping, salad, or desert in addition to their drink of choice.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Nova Scotia Night

Each year we have our Nova Scotia Night that is a lobster feed and fun. That includes chowder and wine to go with the entertainment. There are many people that make a party for 100 people work and I can’t mention them all. The one that must be mentioned is Laurie Mcclare. He is the organizer and puts it all together.
Both Pauline and I have had the opportunity to sing the last three year. We don’t sing together but are part of the entertainment. This year I sang The Last Farwell for the second time. I think it is always a crowd favorite. Of course you can’t have a song fest without Ruth at the piano. After it was all done she played while we sang along.
It seems many of our gatherings at RCB are based on food and this is just one more. They are pot-lucks, western barbecues and other gatherings that involve food and drink.