Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potato Feed

We are now into the full season of activities and it seems each one involves food in some way. We had the Potato Feed which is a private party given by two couples we have the privilege to know. It starts with a tournament of Table Tennis and Holley Board and ends with a baked potato with all the trimmings, salad and desert.
We made it past the first round of the tournament in both games but failed to reach the semi-finals. Since neither of the games are something we play often, I guess we should be happy. The host couples provide the potatoes, prizes, and other necessary preparations for a successful party and each of the guests bring a topping, salad, or desert in addition to their drink of choice.


scatterlined said...

What is Holley Board?

Leon said...

You stand on a box with three holes in it and throw 4 in washers at a similar box about 20 feet away different points are given for each of the holes 1-5 the most points for the last home Guess I should have shown picture.