Friday, May 11, 2007

Birds of Africa

I don’t normally think of birds when thinking of and African Safari but I will make that my first little note about animals. We did see a lot of birds and one couple in the group were bird watchers and very interested in see how many different birds they could see. For most of us we had a few favorite but were looking more for the larger animals. Not that we didn’t see larger birds, we did. But birds being what they are they were either too far away to get a good picture or they were flying before I could get the shot.
The Secretary Bird was one that was large and far away and I was never able to get a shot of the Ground Hornbill before it was gone. I think one of the general favorites was the Lilac-breasted Roller. In flight their blue feathers shown out in a beautiful display. I wanted to get a shot of them flying but of course I didn’t. We saw lots of Guineafowl, Francolin, and Hornbills. At our last camp we saw many Ostriches and they are always fun to watch. I was always amazed by our guides and their ability to see and identify birds and animals from a great distance. Of course many times they would get out the binoculars to verify they call. But then if they were wrong who among us would know the difference?
One time we came upon a very large number of storks out sunning and enjoying themselves. It was great to see so many in one place. The Fish Eagle looks much like the Bald Eagle and was always on the top of the tree, too bad. I am not sure what to say about the birds. We enjoyed them but did not go out in the morning hoping to find a new bird. I was sometimes hoping to get a good picture but size and flying prevent that. One thing I will say is the starlings were even beautiful.

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