Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween in Maui

Since we started come to Maui during Halloween the last three years we have made the trip to Lahaina for the big celebration. They say 30,000 people show up so I will take there word. It starts at 2:30 in the afternoon when they shut down Front Street. They have waited until later in previous years but had problems getting all the parked cars off the street before the kids parade at 4:30. It stop about midnight, I don't know the exact time we never stay that long.
Costumes are of all kinds. I would say that the smaller costumes see to show up as it gets later. We made our appearance in the Raggedy Ann and Andy we wore the last two years. Our picture was taken many times so I am sure it is out there somewhere besides the picture I post. The kids parade at 4:30 is very informal once the band, fire truck, and dignitaries make the trip it never really stops. People are parading up and down Front street all night to see and be seen.
We got dinner from one of the stands under the banyan tree and spend the evening walking a sitting on the sidelines like the thousands of others. About 7:30 a light rain started so we decided to call it an day so any mini costumes will not be in my pictures. I only showed you the front view of the Naked Chef so you will never know if he had anything on under that apron.

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