Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Photography Workshop

I have been taking as many wildflower pictures as I can since our photography workshop in Phoenix. I also posted a number of pictures taken during the workshop online. One of the things about the workshop was the wide range of cameras the people had. Many had SLR’s and several lens but there were still many that had only a very basic point and shoot.
For an untrained person like myself I really didn’t see that much difference in the pictures that were taken. Yes the people with the long telephoto lens got some great shots. One person, a birder, had a 60 power spotting scope that he used to put in front of his camera to take pictures.
The picture I placed at the first of blog was a picture I took with my Canon 550 and just by luck it turned out great without the need for a lot of work in Photoshop. It just goes to show that the fancy camera is not all it takes. I had been wondering about going SLR and the cost but I also saw the amount of heavy bags many of the people were carrying to take pictures. With all my traveling I don’t think I want to have one more LARGE bag of rocks to carry. OK I did buy the adapter for my S5 so I could put on filters and got the 1.5X telextender but I am still lighter than many of the people.
I will be out shooting and not becoming the hunch-back of Corvallis. I will say that the Photoshop hints and demonstrations he did were great. He didn’t do much and most of it I had done but it was great to see how he used it and made the pictures POP. Each of use got to submit 6 pictures and he would discuss them using Photoshop and do some modification on them. It has changed what I do in some cases but not on all pictures.

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