Sunday, March 09, 2008


Wildflowers are starting to bloom in the desert. We have had enough rain that the warm weather has brought and beautiful array of wildflowers. I have not had a chance to get out and really enjoy all the flowers but hope to get out for a hike or drive before all the flowers are gone.
I did take a walk to the end of our street and into the empty lot that is to be a city park at some time in the future. It had a very nice collection of flowers and I spent about thirty minutes shooting a number of the flowers. I selected five of them and submitted to The Desert Sun for their wildflowers pictures online. Of the five I selected to submit one was selected by the editors to print in the Saturday paper. You can look at mine and other photographs online. I go by the name Roland42. The picture with two purple flowers was the one that was published. I will try to get more information about all the things I am doing now ASAP. It is a very busy time.

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