Sunday, April 13, 2008

Band Singer

I have just a wonderful experience for me. Although I have sang for many years in may venues, last Friday I had a chance to sing with the dance band at the Friday night dance at the Senior Center. The leader of the bandand keyboard player, Ken, had created an arrangement of “It Had To Be You” for me to sing with the band with trumpet lead, saxophone lead and my singing. We did not have a chance to practice but just did it. It was wonderful, all the members of the band are experienced professionals and to work with them was great.
The first song went so well we did:”Blue Moon” without any arrangement. Ken just said “Blue Moon in E” and anyway we went. In the middle it seemed like the trumpet was ready for a solo so I stopped singing while he did his thing and then joined for the finish.
Ken even invited be back for another time so this will be something I can do every month we are around. I will be singing next Friday also.

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