Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years at RCB

New Years at RCB had a number of large and small group activities happening. But maybe the most important thing in getting ready for the late night was the nap in the afternoon. We were attending two activities. I wanted to go to a street dance with a live band and Marilyn wanted to attend the dance at Clubhouse 1 with a DJ. So we did both.

I was helping with sound for the band so I had to go over early and do a sound check and then once in awhile I was running to the sound board to make some adjustments. There was actually the band with five guys and the singer and then another couple that she played drums and he played honky-tonk piano. It wasn’t too cold but they did have a number of heaters setup around the area so you could go and warm up if you got cold. So this ran from 7 to 9 PM and then off to the clubhouse for the last of the night.

We had a lot of country music and music not really suited for ballroom dancing but we survived. After our champagne toast at midnight we headed home because we were playing tennis at 8 AM today.

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