Friday, December 29, 2006


We finally took time to visit the Living Desert for the Wildlights. “More than 350,000 twinkling lights illuminate the park after dark, turning the desert into a holiday winter wonderland. North American and African plants and animals as well as traditional holiday scenes are depicted in giant lighted displays.”

We joined our friends Barbara and Dave for pizza at their place then went on the Living Desert to see the lights. It had been a windy day and with the temperature drop you always get in the desert when the sun goes down we had a number of layers to protect from the cold. Luckily the wind in the park was not bad and we did not get cold. We started with an animal show with rats, Serval, Owl, Hedgehogs and Porcupine making an appearance.

We then took a leisurely stroll through the light displays. With a number of moving displays and the mixture of lights it was enjoyable but difficult to get all the photos I would like. The golfing Santa and red Teddy Bear were some of the favorites but their were many other displays were outstanding.

To add to the enjoyment there wood-burning fireplaces, hot apple cider, hot chocolate, s’mores, barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers available at two different locations as you wondered around the display.

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