Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas at RCB

Well what is like to have Christmas in Indio, California? Well I have spent many cold winters in the snow in Montana and Wyoming and rainy cold winters in Oregon. Now it is the desert of Indio, California. Well we did go out to the mall on Saturday. Not that we had a lot of shopping to do but did enjoy the crowd and the festive decorations. Even got to see Santa. It was in the 70’s and sunshine. Yes I will admit I enjoy not driving in snow or ice and facing the cold weather.
Well for Christmas Eve we were off to the RCB Chapel. For the Christmas Eve service I sang A Midnight Noel for special music. I enjoy having a chance to share this talent I have with the people at RCB and they continue to tell me how much they enjoy it so it makes it easy to continue.
We started our Christmas by playing tennis first thing in the morning. Marilyn was in charge of our table for Christmas dinner so she met we some of the other ladies to decorate the table and do all of those things that are important to her and not to me, to make the dinner perfect. We gathered at about 3:30 PM for drinks and sococializing before dinner. There were 11 tables of 12 people each. The dinner was catered but we supplied dessert and appetizers and our drinks. Again I took the chance to lead some group singing. After dinner and setting the tables back to normal setting, we went back home. All in the sun and warm 70 degree temperature. Of course once the sun goes down it is headed toward 40 degrees for the night but we enjoy the warm days.
More pictures of the dinner and shopping are on my Flickr photos.

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