Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Caroling

Well tonight was the RCB Christmas Caroling. People decorate their golf carts and drive around the 800 spaces in the park to places where the people are not able to get out very much. In an over 55 park like ours that means a number of places. I am sure we missed some and some people were not home but we made a number of stops.

The number of people that turned out for the parade and singing was great. I did not get a count but there must have been at least 30 carts and several people on each cart. Four people were on ours.

After the singing we all gathered at Clubhouse 2 for chili and Christmas goodies. Many people helped in preparing and serving the chili but I do have a picture of the two people that cooked the chili. After the drive around the park in the cool weather the people were glad to return to the warm building for an evening of eating, drinking, and fellowship.

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