Friday, December 15, 2006

Going South

Well we finished the first day of travel with rain about half of the time. It wasn’t too bad. We did make good time so we made it to Lodi before 6 PM. Part of the reason was that it was Sunday and we didn’t have any bad traffic that slowed us down.
As we pasted Mt Shasta we stopped and Weed and I took a picture. I must say it looks like they are having the same problem as many other ski resorts. There appeared to be much less snow that other times we have driven down.
Of course we did get to drive through the Sate of Jefferson. It is always fun to see the barn and the metal sculpture along the road. I didn’t get a picture; they are both on the other side of the interstate. Maybe another day.
Yes we have been at Indio for 3 days and I have yet to post the Drive down. I have been busy with all the things you need to do to get things up and running. I still have to get the golf cart going. I have a call into the man that sold it to us and knows something about them but he was out of town for a few days.
The second day was a good drive. We had a lot of heavy fog for the first 100 miles but then got better. Now we are cleaning, unpacking, buying what we need and even getting some tennis in. Marilyn played Wed. and I play tomorrow.
I assume that Mt. Shasta and others in the northwest now have more snow. I am glad we are not in Corvallis during this storm. I read that 19,000 customers in Corvallis were without electricity and 91,000 in the area and many houses were hit by falling trees. It is nice to not have tall pine trees next to our house. Also flood warnings are out but we live on the hill. But then we are here now it is just thinking about what it would be to be there.

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